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Library cards are available to anyone who is in 1st grade or older, who resides within the Havana Public Library District. If you live in Bath, Havana, Kilbourne, Lynchburg, or Quiver Townships and if a child living within your household would go to the Havana Community School District #126, you are in the Havana Public Library District.

If you live outside the Havana Public Library District and you or your landlord do not pay real estate property taxes within another library’s taxing area, you can apply for a Non-Resident Card at the Havana Public Library District. Please note: if you do not live in a library service area, you must apply for non-residency at the library geographically closest to your home address. This non-resident fee is calculated yearly, using a mathematical formula determined by the state statute. Currently, the non-resident fee is $97.61 per year. This is paid at the time of application for a library card. The yearly fee entitles the non-resident family the privileges and responsibilities of library service, including interlibrary loan, reciprocal borrowing, and library usage.

Applying for a library card is easy! There is a library card agreement form for you to fill out that gives the library needed information about you such as your full legal name and address. To apply for a library card if you are 18 years of age or older, you need 2 forms of identification with your name and address. If you are under 18 your parent or legal guardian must also sign your library card agreement. By applying for a library card you are making an agreement with the library to obey its rules and regulations and to give us notice if you change your name or address.

Your library card can be used in virtually any public library in the state that agrees to reciprocal borrowing. However, not all libraries in the state of Illinois offer non-resident cards. A list of whether a particular library participates in the Non-Resident Card program is available from the Illinois State Library.